Surely you have asked yourself more than once: How to increase muscle mass?
In this post, we will give you some tricks so that you can increase muscle mass by doing it correctly.First of all, take note of everything we will explain below so that you have it in mind at all times.
But first, we want an expert like Sascha fitness to give us her 10 best tips to increase muscle mass.
Then we will add other tips to gain the muscle mass that are very effective too, especially if you apply them all together.
The 10 Best Tips to Increase Muscle Mass:
1- Speed up your metabolism
The first trick we will explain how to increase muscle mass is to force the metabolism, accelerating it so that you can get better and better results with your daily workouts.Well, the first way to achieve it is very simple, ice your drinks. The ice forces your body to work extra to melt it and acclimate it to the temperature of your body. Therefore: you are burning more calories.
Another very good way to achieve this is to exercise at intervals of time and intensity. If today you ride a bicycle to do cardiovascular exercise, as time passes, the intensity of the bicycle changes.
Not only does it help you to be more awake at different times, but it has also been shown that those who consume coffee on a daily basis have a metabolic rate 16% higher than the average.
However, coffee should not be abused because it can cause hypertension or unleash the nerves.
2- Eat more to gain muscle mass:
Eat more?
It may seem strange since "eating more" translates into fattening for many people. Well, this is not necessarily so, as long as you follow the following rules.Forget about the excuses you normally give when someone asks you: Why are you so skinny? The question that is often heard a lot when friends know that you attend a gym to gain muscle.
If you do not gain weight with what you eat now, it is because your body is consuming all the calories that you have ingested during the day.
Therefore, the solution is:
Eat more and better.
A diet full of proteins, increase your dishes from 3 to at least 5; two snacks and the three usual meals.And with "more" we are NOT talking about eating in exorbitant quantities or what you want: junk food does not work for your muscles as well as sweets.
3- Deadweight
A third trick to increase muscle mass, or rather an open secret, is the deadlift with superior grip.This exercise allows you to generate muscle mass faster than any other you can do in the gym. It is a movement that will enhance the production of growth hormone.
You must be very careful when executing this exercise because it is quite complicated and any bad position can cause an injury.
4- Sleeping early
Our secret room many comments and they know it but few fulfill it.Sleeping early helps muscle growth and we always insist on this advice because of the pleasant sleep, that is to say, resting really turning off body and brain for at least 6 hours guarantees a synthesis of proteins and segregation of growth hormone.
5- Eat Meat important for muscle mass:
The fifth trick to boost your muscle mass is to eat red meat.A good piece of red meat comes loaded with vitamins and proteins that are excellent for increasing muscle.
The problem with this type of meat is the amount of cholesterol and fats that come with it, so you should limit your intake to only twice a week.
6- Sin with a cheat meal a week
The sixth trick that we will give you on how to increase muscle mass you will love. Fall into the temptation of a hypocaloric meal a week, have a cheat meal every 7 days.This day you have permission to eat what you want but not how you want it and it is here where many are "wrong" because it is not to sin for a whole day and eat what causes you; is to select a meal of a single day, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner, to eat a cheat meal, or what we call cheat meal.
Skip the diet once a week will help your body maintain a high metabolism and after spending about 7 days eating rationing and healthy your brain receives a sign of a lot of hunger.
Then this sudden peak in your calorie intake causes the increase in secretion in the thyroid which causes a greater loss of fat.
7- Fruits and vegetables for your muscle mass:
Enough of falling into temptations. Now we will explain the seventh trick that you will probably not like as much as the previous one.You should eat at least a couple of servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
By adding to each of these dishes these portions accelerate the process of creating muscle. Vegetables and fruits provide antioxidants, which causes proteins to reach the muscles much faster.
8- A daily Protein Shake for muscle mass:
Our eighth tip is a mega shake that will make you recover your muscles after a good workout. The shake that we recommend you prepare after you leave everything inside the gym is the following:- 30 grams of your favorite protein
- 60 grams of carbs
- Creatine
- Glutamine
Always remember that the tricks work as long as you practice them together and not separately. Try to combine them in the best way and take advantage of each one of them.
9- Set the pace for the workouts
We are almost finished, we have reached the ninth secret for increasing muscle mass. One of the easiest to meet, but we do not always pay the attention it deserves:Music!
As you read, it is super important that you go to your gym with a set of songs from your favorite music. The music helps you in the concentration when performing the movements and helps to distract you from the fatigue and fatigue that the training generates.
It is a psychological process that makes the brain to entertain with the exercises. What is heard, making the training a more pleasant session and it will seem that time flew by.
But of course, it is important that you put rhythm to the correct routine for you. If you are an ectomorph type who struggles to gain muscle mass then the Strong Lifts 5 × 5 routine is the right one for you.
10- One-hand push-ups
Finally, the tenth secret of how to increase the muscle mass we want to share is to incorporate the push-ups to one hand in your workouts. You will think that we have gone mad, that maybe you do not have the necessary strength or enough to do it.No, and here we explain:
Little by little you should try to realize them. You will see how your body will adapt and you will be able to execute them with greater fluidity.
It is amazing how many muscles this exercise works and you will see incredible results if you add it to your routines.
Yes, it is true that it is a difficult exercise, but it is not impossible. If you are a beginner wait at least a month, that is, when you have obtained a little more strength and resistance to start.
And so we have reached the end of this interesting post made for you with 10 infallible tips that we have shared for your body to begin its path to muscle growth.
Remember that the progress you can observe in your body depends on you.