In the following article we expose all the necessary aspects to know about the known hyperproteic diet. A type of diet that all those people who seek a new way to get the best benefits to their daily diet, either losing weight, increasing or maintaining muscle mass or simply as a different way of leading a lifestyle healthy.
It will cover the most important points that should be known when talking about this diet, as they can be for example: its benefits, how to carry it out in the best way, how proteins should be consumed, the supplements that exist for consume in conjunction with this diet, and what could be some of the counterproductive effects that could occur at the time of development.
What is a hyperproteic diet
The hyperproteic diet nowadays has become one of the most popular and most used types of diet thanks to various reasons. Unlike many other diets, this is one that has proven results in the real world and works in different ways. It is a diet that basically consists of the consumption of foods that contain high levels of proteins.
As it is well known, proteins are an important element for our body, since when consumed they fulfill a crucial role in the synthesis and regeneration of tissues such as hair, skin and of course, muscles being a great contributor to the growth of the mass of them. When high protein intake is combined with a good exercise routine and the correct contribution of calories, they become the best producer of muscle mass for the body and are essential for the maintenance of the same once it has been developed.
In addition to being important for the development and maintenance of muscle mass, proteins are also necessary during the post-workout process of muscle recovery. As all those who do exercises should know, during any training (but especially those of strength) the muscles are in a state in which they need nutrients to develop and recover, that's where the proteins come in.
In summary, when a diet consumes adequate amounts of protein and is combined with good training, the best possible results will be produced in terms of muscle mass growth, almost no other type of diet will provide such effective results in terms of this aspect.
The hyperproteic diet to lose weight
When talking about losing weight with respect to this diet, it is logically about losing only excess fat while rather increasing muscle mass. As has already been mentioned: a diet high in protein is necessary to achieve this.
In addition, many of the foods that are included in these diets, which are high in protein, also tend to have low amounts of calories. In fact, of the three types of macronutrients that contribute calories to the body on a daily basis which are fats, carbohydrates and proteins, the latter are the ones that best satisfy the body according to various investigations, which means that in addition to losing fat unnecessary and gain muscle mass also manage to keep hunger at bay for longer.
However, the greatest benefit in terms of weight loss that can be mentioned about proteins is that they are also the macronutrient that burns the most calories during the process of digestion. This means that following these diets with high protein consumption increases the amount of calories the body burns naturally every day.
As you can conclude, in addition to the gain of muscle mass, you can also relate to proteins with fat loss that is unwanted.
Amount of proteins to be consumed per day
The real question is, how much protein should be consumed in order for the diet to be considered a hyperproteic diet? Well, there are different ways in which they recommend the amount that should be consumed, but then the one that is mostly taken into account is presented.
For an adult who is in good health conditions, it is advisable to consume between 0.8 and 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of total mass depending on the weight of the body. Keep in mind that this recommendation is for all those adults who seek to lead a healthier life discarding all that fat and increasing the level of muscles.
This means that for an average man whose total body mass is 80 kg should consume an amount of between 140 and 230 grams of protein during each day, this consumption is completely independent of the number of activities (intraining sessions) that take place for the day in question.
For some people, it can be scandalous to think of consuming so many foods rich in protein a day, however, the more these people are fulfilling this diet for some time, the more they will realize that really only certain types of food should be consumed. They have a higher protein value than others, as could some common food classes such as eggs, meat and chicken.
Foods that make up a good high protein diet
There are some foods which have this macronutrient in a more abundant way than others, some of the most common while there are others which, when included in this diet, will provide greater versatility and variety for all those people who seek to obtain all the possible benefits provided by a hyperproteic diet.
Below is a list of some of this large possible number of foods to be included for the diet:
Pork Meat
Eggs (especially the clear one)
Some nuts like peanuts, peanuts and nuts
Milk and all its derived products (cheese, yogurt ...)
Soy protein
Fish like tuna (either fresh or canned)
And of course sports supplements based on protein
For some of the foods mentioned, you can choose as an example the amount of protein they contain to show how much should be consumed each:
For every 100 grams of soy protein, you get 80 of protein.
For every 100 grams of nuts, you get 24 of protein.
For every 100 grams of whey protein supplement, 78 protein are obtained.
For every 100 grams of veal fillets, between 30 and 35 of protein are obtained.
For every 100 grams of chicken breasts, you get 31 protein.
For every 100 grams of tuna (either fresh or canned), you get between 25 and 30 of protein.
When and how to consume the amounts of proteins necessary for the diet
Consuming the necessary amounts of protein a day is something fundamental to carry out a diet based on being hyperproteic, however there are some times during the day in which consuming such foods or supplements will be of greater benefit to obtain all that can offer
The key moments where you should consume more amounts of protein are:
For breakfast
At night, before sleeping
During the meal that is done just before a workout
And also for the food that is consumed right after the trainings
It should be mentioned that this protein consumption just before and after training are the most important, so you must ensure that you are consuming any type of protein during these meals or failing to use supplements to meet this need.
It is also important to take into account the liquids consumed for this type of diet, and not only those that are consumed but also those that are discarded. For a hyperproteic diet it is advisable to eat at least 2.5 liters of water whose consumption is distributed throughout the day. In addition also to have those that are eliminated during training: during any routine (especially in aerobic routines) the body will lose many of its nutrients through sweating, so it becomes essential to restore all this loss through the consumption of water.
Supplements that work in conjunction with high protein diets
Today, this kind of supplements are very popular among all those people who devote part of their lives to sports, being the protein powder, whey protein and protein bars the most used and sold in the market.
Eye, the mere fact of consuming them will not reach the increase in muscle mass, however they serve as a great facilitator to supplement those amounts of protein that have not been possible to consume through the common diet and thus be able to reach the quantities necessary to carry out in a better way this hyperproteic diet.
The great advantage of powdered protein supplements, for example, is that their preparation does not require any type of cooking or complications, they are consumed quickly by simply adding one or two tablespoons of powder to the liquid and only in this way they can contribute up to 30-35 grams of protein depending, of course, on the brand of the supplement.
Another similar example is the supplements in the form of bars, which can also provide from 15 to 30 grams of protein and are just as easy and delicious to consume as would be a chocolate bar.
It can be concluded that to carry out a good high protein diet should be consumed mainly foods with high protein value, however supplements are a great help to reach that full consumption that at some point it will not be possible only to achieve by means of the diet.
Who can carry out a hyperproteic diet?
Primarily this is a diet that is aimed at people who have been for some time participating in some type of training and seek to increase their potential through the power of proteins to achieve it.
However, this does not mean that anyone who seeks to generate considerable amounts of muscle mass of the bestAs possible, they can not resort to a diet of this type, but always in these cases when making this decision (as in all) and change so drastically how they consume food on a daily basis, it is best to resort to a doctor so that he can provide the indicated indications and recommendations to change to this diet depending on the lifestyle and physical composition of each person.
Do hyperproteic diets have side effects?
It is necessary to clarify that there is little evidence of how a high protein consumption affects negatively on a daily basis in the body and how these can be generated in chronic diseases through the hyperproteic diet, but they do exist.
When this type of feeding is followed, there may be an increase in the reabsorption of sodium chloride, which in turn is generated by the high level of work of the kidneys. Due to this, in conjunction with other conditions that this organ may suffer, some chronic kidney disease may appear, which can cause permanent glomerular damage.
Another negative point that can be taken into account is that, as we have seen, the vast majority of foods that are high in protein and low in calories do not have any fiber intake, which can generate some digestive problems if not Some foods that are rich in fiber are added to the diet.