Types Of Computer Generation (5's Generation Computer)

Types Of Generations:

             Computers is an important part of our everyday life and people try to use this in every field of life. The history of the computer starts several back decades and total five generation were discussed now. Every generation is defined by a features in technological Progress that changes radically how computers operate and essential to more compact, more efficient ,less expensive with more powerful, and powerful machines.
  • First Generation Of Computer-Vacuum Tubes (1940-1956):
              The first computer used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.This computer required air conditioner room for its operation and burn out due to heat produce and low management. Computer were so costly and due to expensive materials used in this computer and also large amount of electricity required for operation. This generation computer work on machine language (Machine Language means computer language 0,1 form also known as low level language). Machine Language never understood by human beings. The use of machine language made the computer performance fast and reliable.This computer use only for industrial and organization purpose only and never use for home purpose due to costly. The computers were limited to solving one problem at a time and  the Input was based on paper tape and punched cards. Output never store on memory and came as print outs on punched and paper cards. The computer of this generation were UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) and ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) machines, The UNIVAC is the first computer which was sale in 1951.

  • Second Generation Of Computer-Transistors (1956-1963):

          Second Generation of Computer based on transistors. This generation of computer replaced the Vacuum Tubes of first generation. This generation brought many improvement in computer field because this computer never heat up and burn out. Transistor were superior to the vacuum tubes due smaller in size, faster, cheaper and required less electricity use. But Transistor still give output on punched card. This Computer work on assembly language (Symbolic Language), hence programmers could create instructions in words. At that time high level programming languages were being developed (Older Versions of FORTRAN and COBOL). In this case Transistor run machines and first store instructions into their memories then output on magnetic drum to magnetic core.

  • Third Generation-Integrated Circuits(1964 – 1971):

          Third generation based on IC (Integrated Circuits). Transistors were now being microscopic (Concerted to small size means miniature ) and put on silicon chips (semiconductors). This made to increase in efficiency and speed of these machines. Computer of this generation were the first computers where users can use keyboards and monitors and significant jump from the punch cards and printouts. This enabled the computer to run several applications at once using a several task. IC is more less cheaper, smaller and 60's time faster then Transistor.

  • Fourth Generation-Microprocessors (1972 – 2010):
             Fourth generation of computer used microprocessors (An IC that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer). This generation sum up using words Intel (A chips in 1971). The Intel chip contains thousands of  IC (Integrated Circuits). In 1981 saw the first ever computer IBM (International Business Machines) specifically made for home use and in 1984 saw the MacIntosh (GUI) introduced by Apple.The increased power of these small computers is to create networks, which led to Internet. Other major development during this generation have been the GUI (Graphical User Interface), and support mouse and more recently the astounding advances in laptop capability and other devices (hand held).

  • Fifth Generation-Artificial Intelligence (1972 – 2010):

           Computer of this generation work on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and still working in development/improvement, some of technologies were begin to unfold and used such as voice recognition. AI is a reality based possible by using parallel processing and superconductors. Moving towards the future, computers will run radically transformed by quantum computation, molecular and nano technology. The kernel of fifth generation led to use human language instead of create machines.